Welcome to Gasher.com

The story behind GASHER:

When I was a skateboarding teenager, my good friend Patrick Ratt Jenesaispas Schlegel gave himself the nickname «RATT» one day. Since I looked up to him as a kid (he is 5 years older) I thought: «how cool is that, I want a nickname too!». So I went home and looked up words in the English dictionary and then I somehow ended up on the page where I found the word «gash». It means flesh-wound and I liked the sound of it so I started to introduce myself as «Gasher» from that day on. I don’t remember my exact age but I must have been around 14 I guess. A lot of people then thought that Gasher was my given name since birth.

When I went into hosting Events and later TV-Shows, I wanted something a bit less bloody and a bit closer to my given name, so I baptized myself yet again, this time in reference of my Initials «G.J.» from Gabriel Jenny. After a couple of years of using Gee-Jay, in 2005 I also put it into my passport and ID, so now my 2nd first name is officially «Gee-Jay«.

As mentioned above, a lot of people still know me and call me by the name of Gasher and that’s totally fine with me. Still love that name like back in the days I first started calling my self Gasher.

Since so many people ask all the time: this domain is not for sale*

*unless you have a very, very convincing offer of course

The story behind the NBA/NFLesque logo is a photo of me, doing a one foot ollie (obviously). The photo was taken around 1989 at a demo with Vertical Technik from the owner of said company, Swiss Skatepard pioneer Paul Heuberger.

Photo: Paul Heuberger